We believe in the power of change. Not just for the future but for now. Which is why we reimagined what a conscious luxury leather bag could be.
While we adjust our process and production, making more responsible choices every step of the way, you adjust the look of your ethically made bag. Large or small, change is change. If we all adjust, and change the norm - that’s when we make real progress.
Our bags are timeless. But not only do they last, they can be worn every day. All you need is our different foldover fronts to adjust the look just a little. Because sometimes, all it takes is just a small adjustment to be part of a larger change.
It’s, quite literally, in our hands.
We see beauty in not just the product, but the process. Taking you along every step of our journey. We are proud of the way our bags are made.
We live by Ecology Centred Design. In which nothing exists alone in nature and everything is connected. We are not just on this planet but part of it. There are no simple solutions. There is no such thing as the ultimate best choice. It’s all about balance. Balancing both the needs of people and planet. Understanding this formed our holistic view on how to create ethically made leather goods.
We constantly strive for progress, going beyond the latest sustainability trend. In our view, there is always something better, and we won’t stop trying to find it.
Our designs are carefully made to last a lifetime. True handcrafted luxury. To pass on to your daughter or even granddaughter. Not just the bag, but the principles behind it. Together, we cater to creating a generation that learns to live in balance with the world around it.
Buy once, buy well.
We use only the finest sustainable materials, sourced in Europe. Genuine leather has an enduring quality, that honours both tradition and time. Our handcrafted bags also exude luxury from the age-old techniques and skills that have brought them to life.
You can’t rush something you want to last forever. When every step in our journey has been taken with care, the result is guaranteed to not only be beautiful but to last.
Studio Gyzell bags are made in Europe. We cherish the quality of tradition and fuse it with a forward-thinking spirit. The results are sustainable luxury leather goods.
We have preserved that traditional gem of hard-working craftsmen and manufactures. Our bags are designed in the U.K, handcrafted in Hungary with materials from Italy, Austria, Germany and Iceland.
Due to the strict European social and environmental regulations, each product is made responsibly. We take it one step further by selecting suppliers that are even stricter when it comes to sustainability policy.
Producing at a local scale also means reducing the negative impact of transportation by bringing raw materials, suppliers, manufactures and customers closer to each other.
At Studio Gyzell, being responsible isn’t just our voice but it is every inch of our identity. We strive to make as little impact on our ecosystems as possible. Making strides in every part of the production chain.
We have handpicked our suppliers and manufactures carefully, making sure they share our philosophy. Leather craftsmanship is a complex chain of several stages that unite heritage with innovation. Our selection of materials, design, packaging solutions and transportation reflects our conscious fashion attitude.
Transparency is at our core. You can find all you need to know about our sourcing, the materials we use, why we selected them, the crafters who make our bags and the creators behind it.