Buy less, buy well

Change is in our hands or hung over our shoulders.

Studio Gyzell began with a simple quest: to buy less while having more. Fewer products, more value. We wanted to change our philosophy to make more conscious choices. But also to change our looks in order to impress. To craft a bag that has less impact on our ecosystems, but more impact on the everyday ease of dressing.

A challenge, sure. But with scientific expertise and a love for timeless design, we were more than up for the task.

The fashion industry comes with a lot of baggage, we don’t want any of that. We just want a great looking bag. One that not only lasts but that’s better for the planet and our ever-changing desires. Yes, we get that part too.

Because let’s face it, we love to invest in a luxury leather bag. But wouldn’t being able to change mindset and the look, even just a little, make you adore it even more?

Buy less, buy well and cherish forever. Some things are as simple as that.

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